Bates Barristers
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Paul Bates is an experienced arbitration counsel and effective arbitrator.


What We Do


Paul Bates Q. Arb. (ADRIC) is an experienced arbitration counsel and arbitrator. Paul has completed the Gold Standard course in commercial arbitration offered by the Toronto Commercial Arbitration Society, TCAS and actively participates in Canadian commercial arbitrations.

Arbitration procedure enables parties to privately resolve disputes by less costly and more expeditious means than may be possible in Canadian judicial proceedings.

Paul's approach as arbitrator is noted for F.A.I.R. standards: Fast, Affordable, Independent, and Respected. Standard terms of engagement for ad hoc and institutional arbitration mandates are available upon request.

Paul's arbitration experience includes domestic and international commercial disputes concerning IT/IP, construction and real property, insurance/reinsurance/retrocession, franchise law, corporate/shareholders disputes, equity derivatives, family business conflicts, resources, and other areas of business across diverse areas of the economy.